National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day!

This week, we celebrated National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day – did you?   It’s super helpful to have a clean refrigerator in advance of all those Thanksgiving dishes … but it’s also kind of crazy (and sometimes scary)  to see what is hiding in those back corners!


Using Use-Ups

Are you a fan of leftovers?   Or no way?

We have a designated day (lunch on Friday!) to eat any leftovers from the week.  But sometimes when it’s just an ingredient that is leftover, it makes it a little more difficult.    Do you have a strategy to help you use leftover ingredients?

Although I try to plan our purchases, inevitably something is always in excess.  My go-to for leftover ingredients is usually to make soup – like this delicious leftover carrot/celery/cabbage/bell pepper/ground turkey/orzo pasta soup I made this week.

photo of soup made with leftover carrot, celery, cabbage, bell pepper,ground turkey, and orzo pasta


Plan To Eat

This year in particular, I’ve really focused on reducing the food waste at our house.   I’ve become a huge fan of the online food planner Plan To Eat – which has helped me to become much more intentional with planning our weekly meals.

This is what a recent week of ours looked like:

screen grab of an online Plan To Eat weekly menu

With your own personal recipes uploaded, you can search by a specific ingredient – which is truly my secret weapon to use up random items in the fridge each week.   I just type in the ingredient, and it will show all the recipes I’ve uploaded that use that particular ingredient.

(Please note:  I don’t have any affiliation … I truly am just a huge fan!!)


Any tips to share?

I also found 5 Recipes to Help Clean Out The Fridge  from Lodge Cast Iron – which is actually more like 5 templates instead of 5 recipes.

Do you have a strategy to help reduce food waste in your refrigerator?     Please let me know!



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